Sexual continence for women facts
Sexual continence can also be practiced by women. Now, the great advantage for women is that most of them are naturally endowed to orgasm without losing their energy. Whether you can or can’t is easy to tell. If after an orgasm you’re able to go on with the lovemaking, without the occurance of any pain, without feeling tired and without any psychological discomfort, then you can.
If, however, you feel exhausted, sleepy, experience pain if stimulation continues or feel a sudden state of rejection towards your partner and/or towards the sexual act, then you need a bit of practice till you’ll be able to be continent in lovemaking. The practice you need is similar to the one we described for men: once the orgasm is triggered, stop the stimulation. After the orgasmic state fades, you can resume. In time your orgasms will be much longer and more intense and you’ll become able to eventually continue stimulation during climax without losing your energy, and then to go on to the next orgasms.
Different views for this kind of erotic massage
The sexual potential women lose is menstrual blood. They don’t lose it during intercourse, but in their monthly period. According to the processes of transmutation and sublimation occuring in their body during the month, in the end they lose more or less blood and experience more or less pain. This is why menstruation is such a different experience for every woman.
Psychological effects of erotic massage
On the psychological level, the effects of erotic massage are similar for both sexes. Stress fades away, along with the feeling of anxiety, depression, fear or sorrow. Your self-confidence is boosted. You feel more free to be yourself, more confident to fulfill your potential in life, more motivated, more at peace. Femininity for women and masculinity for men is intensified. Feelings of shame or inhibition regarding sexuality disappear.
Erotic massage is highly cathartic. Through regular sessions your psychological well-being will improve and become stable, and your quality of life will increase. Erotic massage brings to surface and heals all emotional wounds, insecurities, fears, unforgiven things, regrets; it simply harmonises your body, mind and soul. You become more loving, compassionate, empathetic. Also, a feeling of inner freedom will occur that will enable you to be more and more creative.
To conclude about sexual continence
However all these efects, both sexual and psychological, only occur if erotic massage is approached as therapy. This barely ever happens in this business which has become close to prostitution. Tao erotic massage in Bucharest is one of the few places approaching massage as therapy. Our masseuses are highly trained professionals and can surely guide you in this process of self-development.
Nevertheless, as is the case with any other therapy, its effects depend on you as well. This is where perceived self-efficacy comes into play. It is the psychological variable that influences both the intention to adopt a health behaviour and the action of planning, initiating and maintaining it, as well as resuming it if any discontinuities occur. It has been shown that perceived self-efficacy is more of a predictor for the person’s success than their actual abilities in the field. So now that you know all of this is possible, all you have to do is believe that you can do it too and sign up for regular erotic massage sessions.
Find out more by reaching our best erotic massage girls in Bucharest!
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