Taoist tradition tells us that man has always had the ability to control his sexual energy, excitement and ejaculation in a spontaneously way. But in time, he lost this ability due to lower spiritual level and the big desire to have as much financial strength as he can. Today you’ll find sexually overworked man, obsessed with everything that gives pleasure for a short term, alcoholic and concerned only for power. Stress, lack of time, nutrition and the social plan makes man to be more oriented outwards. If he would stop a moment to look in his being, would see all the treasures he needs to have happiness, fulfillment and evolution.

Ability to control the energy can be gained by training the mind so that automatically stop the spermatic fluid going outside. The key is to practice sexual continence techniques until it reaches the automatism. Then the sexual essence will ascend continuously, spontaneously, to the energetically center of the head, revitalizing the entire being. In the process of mental control, the pineal gland is the most important because it connects the sexual organs with the human brain.

The most important achievement of sexual continence techniques is that after 6 to 21 months, you will be able to control your sexual energy anywhere, anytime only with your mind.

So, focus on the pineal gland, firmly maintaining attention during love making, on the process of lifting the energy located at the base of the spine, up on the spine to the head. If you are not sufficiently prepared physically and energetically, you’ll feel a slight dizziness. In this case, it is recommended to drink some tea with honey. Be careful in the area where such sensations arise, there are some energetic blockages that do not allow energy to ascend. To remove these blockages, gently massage that point, inhale, focus on your forehead center then return breathing easily. This process should be done in a peaceful manner, keeping your calm. Run at least 9 times this process and dizziness or pain will disappear. Any side effects should not discourage you because is natural to gradually accommodate the physical body with such large amounts of energy. Resume lovemaking and gradual do again this mind control technique. If you feel that reactions persist, stop and rest lying on the ground, make a relaxation of the whole body, from toes to head.

What happens to your body is normal and it’s good to have a period of identification of the sexual energy doing exercises. In this regard, Kegel exercises and simple Yoga techniques will be very helpful. Control with your mind the muscles to push the spermatic fluid back. Slight fever and muscle pain in the penis are normal effects of this technique. Often, when accumulate a large amount of energy, the body becomes hot. It is recommended an intensive purification of the physical body, good nutrition during the workout. For example, a Yang diet, a vegetarian, vegan or raw vegan one will help you to accomplish much more successful these techniques, since the mind and the body are deeply purified.

In time you will reach the stage where you control the energy at will. Even at night when you are erect, you can ascend energy thus diminishing the erection and stopping the pollution. Mind and energy are closely connected. In the later stages of mental control of sexual energy is no longer necessary contracting jaw, buttocks and anal muscles. Only the urogenital diaphragm and the perineum are contracted. Do this until you fully control your erection and ejaculation, only with your mind. To understand the depth of these ancient notions, a lot of practice is required. Remove rigidity and dogmatic ideas that blocks you to access a new way of living and life understanding. Be open and have the courage to apply it no matter how long it takes, you will be happy when you will get there.