Sexual energy is one of the most powerful energies of the human being, which is a huge resource that man has at his disposal. But accessing it requires control over it. This process is quite complex and will involve control of the senses, the mind and practice. But as we talked in previous articles, the results can occur immediately if the will is very high. When we talk about sexual energy, we talk also about sexual desire, pleasure and sensations.
It is characteristic of a living being to eat, to breathe, to speak and to think. But in the present machine-dominated age, all these qualities stand rudely shaken. However, the desire remains one indisputable characteristic of a living creature. The computer can do many things, but it cannot desire. To desire is the human being’s most mysterious and inimitable trait. This is what distinguishes a living creature from the inanimate.
“My will, my desire! “-An irrefutable reply before which all others replies pale into insignificance. And yet man has found that desire has nothing permanent about it. It is conditioned by time and place, it is basically arbitrary. All sorts of desires enter in the mind. If a man acts upon each and every desire that comes to him, life will be impossible. That’s why we have to sublimate, to rafinate it through inner discipline.
The origin of desire lives very deep, not in the physical organism, but in the unconscious mind. Deep inside somewhere there flows a continuous stream of desire. Whenever causes present itself, desire is manifesting outside. To study desire we will have to explore the depths within.
Pleasure means the fusion of the mind and electrochemical impulses of the body. In fact, the experience of pleasure or pain is caused by a kind of electric current in union with the mind. If we can unite with the mind certain inner chemicals, certain electric impulses within the body, it can yield extraordinary pleasure and power. That’s why the method of sexual continence is very important, because involves all the levels of a man. We find this concept about this unification of the mind with body, (energy, chemicals, impulses, physically body) also in the Taoist tradition.
In the kind part of the head, in the cavity of the brain, two glands have been discovered side by side. Modern scientific researches tell us that if one of these glands becomes active, even a most dreadful happening would leave a man unaffected, and he would never experience pain. Whereas if the second gland becomes activated, will give pain to the man. So, what is the secret? We know that the pleasure comes from outside, in fact, however, the feeling of pleasure or pain comes from inside. The material objects make no different whatever. The experience is possible only when particular kind of vibrations and sensations are produced in the body and the electric current thereof united with the mind. This is the way in our sensibility function. If we exercise control or restraint, it is usually regarding objects, rather we should control our sensations. In fact, he how can understand the secret of sensations will be able to understand sexual continence. The secretion of sexual hormones takes place in every human being. When they descend to the gonad, they affect the sexual gland and rousing sexual desire, is a purely physical process. The man how has learnt to control the flow of the sexual hormones, by meditation, by sexual continence, will experience a great transformation.
Control over sexual desire can be achieved in two ways: through violent suppression or through sublimation. Suppression produces more reaction, and the question of madness arises only when a man tries to control desire forcibly, holds it down by sheer might and continues indulging in constant suppression. There is inevitably a reaction, giving rise to excitement and conflict. Many unmarried people display this kind of disintegration, which is obviously the result of too much suppression. But the kind of control we are talking about, and Tao is talking about, is not brought about force, rather through the sublimation of desire, sublimation of energies. So, sexual continence is also about sublimation of physical reaction, desires and sensations. Without these things we cannot talk about continence. We need to understand each one in part; to be conscious about what is happening in our body, in our being, at all levels. So, sublimation of desire involves no suppression, no forcible restraint, but a process by which the secretion of hormones is lessened and their effect greatly reduced. All this is possible through spiritual training, observing and be aware of inner alchemy. Here the meditation is very useful. For people affected about too much excitation, excessive passion and immoderate sexual desire, it is recommended to do meditation upon the physical and energetically centres. All these emotions are roused around navel, where is an important centre of energy. The sexual impulse rise in the gonad, and all the excitations near the adrenal. It is the excessive secretion from these glands that cause the problem. Otherwise, what is desirable and necessary happens of itself and one’s attention is free to concentrate upon other things.
From the physical point of view, controlling the sexual energy, desire and sexual fluids, through sexual continence, is absolutely necessary for the maintenance of our health. People who practice this tantric technique enjoy very good health, life style and happiness.