A Tantra massage is an amazing opportunity to step out of your ordinary state of consciousness and into a magical space, getting in contact with your heart and having a direct experience of your deeper nature through conscious sensual touch, perceiving your essence as an ecstatic and unlimited being.
The masseuse awakens sensual pleasure and erotic energy
Tantra massage is a deeply relaxing, energizing and awakening experience, which increases your inner peace and joy of life. In a Tantra massage the masseuse awakens the sensual pleasure and the erotic energy in a sublime and controlled way, spreading the energy throughout the entire body, using it as a way of accessing a deeper level of pleasure, into what we might call ecstatic happiness.
You will experience that a Tantra massage is a kind of initiation in which the masseuse is open to transmit her own profound experience obtained through practice and study of Tantra. Conscious, loving and sensual touch becomes a communication and teaching without words.
Working with Kundalini
Tantra massage does not deny sexual energy, it embraces sexual energy, but that does not mean sex defined by mainstream media. Sexual energy is used as ignition for firing the Kundalini energy, the body’s biological energy system. That can help a person enjoy their sex life to its fullest potential, but it is far wider reaching than that. It can help to break down barriers of guilt or fear, and remove self-imposed or limiting cultural and social boundaries and empower men and women.
True to its name, Tantra massage incorporates the use of energy – the energy of the masseuse administering the massage as well as a specific kind of potent energy that is innate in us all.
Our sexual energy is similar to the uranium in a nuclear reactor. When it goes through a particular alchemical process it can transform from a raw, crude-like substance that only serves our carnal and animalistic desires to a more refined and defined force with spiritual and healing qualities.
Tantra massage can transform the sexual energy from crude and rude to subtle and mystical. By employing the art of sublimation, a skilled and trained masseuse does two things.
Firstly, the masseuse opens vital energy channels to create an unencumbered pathway for energy to flow through. In this process the receiver of the massage can experience purification and cleansing effects as well as a releasing of blockages.
Secondly, the energy is encouraged and driven upwards, from the lower areas of the body to the higher areas. Eventually, with repeated sessions of Tantra massage, a person’s energy will start to flow upwards more organically. When this happens a myriad of beneficial effects shine through and can transform a person from the inside out.
Tantra massage is about touch with loving, conscious intention
Tantra massage is about surreneder, not the surrender of the receiver to the masseuse, but surrender of both into the process, into the present moment, and surrender of the mind into the heart.