We all know that making love involves mostly male erection and sexual desire. But all these are connected and controlled by a single organ – the brain.
Regular sexual activity has a significant impact on our lives, stimulates mental activity, functioning hearts and prolongs life. During intercourse it stimulates the brain cells and this persists for a long time. After intercourse the production of prolactin is increasing.
Sex can be used as an anesthetic. Just before orgasm, levels of the hormone oxytocine surges are five times higher than their normal level. This, in turn, leads to the formation of endorphins that have analgesic effect in any type of pain, from headaches to pain caused by migraine. During orgasm, both men and women feel pleasant sensations thanks to the nerves that communicate between the brain and genitals.
There are 4 types of nerves responsible for this communication:
Hypo gastric nerves send signals from the uterus and cervix, prostate in men.
Pelvic nerves send signals from the vagina and cervix, but also from the rectum.
Shy nerves transmit signals to the clitoris and for men the scrotum and penis.
Vague nerves send signals from cervix, uterus and vagina.
Although apparently are very different in terms of behavior during sex, men and women’s brains react similarly to orgasm.
During orgasm, the lateral cortex (region behind the left eye) crashes.
Therefore, the brain of a person having orgasm can be compared very well with a person who had taken heroin, a study published in the Journal of Neuroscience.
The difference between the sexes appears on the gray matter (PAG), which is activated only in women during sex and not in men. In addition, women can decrease the activity of the amygdale and hippocampus, which controls fear.
When a woman fake the orgasm in her brain may be observed growth of activity in the cerebellum, where movement is controlled, detail not occur in women who have a real orgasm
Scottish psychologists have examined over three thousand Europeans in a studio dedicated to sexual activity and concluded that an active sexual life slows aging. Doctors have concluded that those who have sex three times a week or more earns about 10 years of life in addition to others with a less active sex life.
Too much sex never hurts. We affirm that according to most opinions of scientists, but the lack of sex can lead to unpleasant consequences, both women and men.
Erection of the penis is increased in volume, which creates the required state for sex. An erection is caused by a reflex of the penis fill with blood, giving this body rigidity. This is the active state of the penis, in terms of sex, so that it can be inserted into the vagina.
Normally, an erection occurs when your imagination or senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste) are stimulated and become aroused. Central nervous system sends nerve impulses that increase blood flow to the penis.
Erection involves increased blood pressure. The result of this sequence of events – the corpus cavernous of the penis fill with blood, is allowing for increased penis size, and transverse and longitudinal strength necessary to reach intercourse. Four requirements for a normal erection:
– A nervous system which sends signals to the penis
– An intact system of blood vessels to allow blood to flow into and out of the penis
– Normal penis muscles which need to relax so that the penis can fill with blood, and to increase the volume of
– The ability to keep the blood in the penis, to stay firm
Premature ejaculation can be a psychological problem. Emotional and physical frustration caused by premature ejaculation can lead to mental and physical disorders for both partners.
There are many voices question whether premature ejaculation is not a purely psychological problem. Also there are people who say that getting a thrill and hormones are different in people who suffer from premature ejaculation compared to the rest of men, who do not have this problem. Sexual continence is a very effective method against premature ejaculation as it teaches man how to harness the great sensitivity and excitability by controlling the sexual energy mentally and physically.
Low sex drive, common in the modern world is a permanent or temporary deficit and may result in the absolute absence of sexual fantasies, desires and loss of interest in sexual intimacy.
Sexual desire is generated by several external factors. Low sex drive can be influenced by factors such as stress, a variety of diseases, mental and emotional condition, drugs and more
During sex, genital nerves transmit to the brain information about the sensations felt.
Men whose penises are tilted to the left, they have the left part of the brain more active, according to research published in the journal “Human Reproduction. Left brain plays an important role in speech, logical and mathematical thinking, while the right hemisphere affect spatial orientation and perception of sensory information.
So, the brain and penis are in close anatomical, erotic and energetic relationship. Great Eastern traditions tell us that ingredient that makes possible this relationship is Love. And you experience this especially when you love somebody, when you want to make love to your beloved and you think of your beloved and arousal occurs.